Betul ke bila orang selalu cakap yg gambar tak pandai menipu? dan betul ke gambar jugak boleh menceritakan sesuatu?
Pada aku, gambar mampu memberi kesan sedih, suka, riang, kusam, kenangan, dan macam² lagi la kalu kita pandai menilai maksud gambar tu..betul tak?
Bebaru nih, masa aku tgh baca newspaper 'The Sydney Morning Herald' yang company tempat aku keje skang ni subscribe, terperasan la satu satu imej yg cukup aku kagum! Serius beb! Bila aku baca story tuh, rupanya imej tu adalah imej yg memenangi anugerah photo of the year 2008 anjuran World Press: world news and views around the world.
Semua gambar² yg terpilih adalah hasil snap oleh wartawan² seluruh dunia dan di shorlisted dalam kelompok gambar terbaik. Pemenang dipilih menerusi gambar yg original, tiada proses suntingan atau editing serta menceritakan sesuatu tema. Giler gempaq kan!! Sorry la pada yg dok snap² pastu dok edit² segala cam aku slalu buat, tak yah la berangan nak masuk competition cenggini.. PASTIKAN gambar anda ORIGINAL yerk..! (kena kat batang idung aku sendiri.. kuikuikui!!!)
Ok guys, setelah di google, kat bwh ni la photos yg aku ckp tuh. Korang nilai la sendiri setiap gambar yg menang tu worth it or not.. saja je nak buat spekulasikan..:P bermula dari gambar yg memenangi hadiah utama utk Photo of the Year 2008 hinggalah ke juara kategori. Enjoys!!
US photographer Anthony Suau, for Time, won the World Press Photo of the Year 2008 award.
Detective Robert Kole must ensure residents have moved out of their home in Cleveland, Ohio after an eviction order was made
This picture of a snow leopard won first prize in the Nature Stories category for US photographer Steve Winter, of National Geographic magazine
A Kenyan boy screams as he sees a Kenyan policeman with a baton approaching his home in the Kibera slum of Nairobi.
The series of photographs by Walter Astrada in Nairobi won the Spot News Singles category.
This picture by Chinese photographer Chen Qinggang, of troops carrying an earthquake survivor, won first prize in the Spot News Singles category.
Italian photographer Giulio Di Sturco, of Agenzia Grazia Neri, came first in the Arts and Entertainment Singles category.
The photograph was taken backstage at the Indian Fashion Week in Delhi.
Photographs from Barack Obama’s presidential campaign won Callie Shell, from Aurora Photos, first prize in the People in the News Stories section
Mexican photographer Carlos Cazalis, of Corbis, won the Contemporary Issues Stories for showing homeless people in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
An inter-tribal conflict in western Kenya, taken by the Japanese photographer Chiba Yasuyoshi, for AFP, won the People in the News Singles section.
Coastguards spot a boat with refugees off Lampedusa in Italy.
Belgian photographer Mashid Mohadjerin won the Contemporary Issues Singles section
The first prize in the Nature Singles category went to Chilean photographer Carlos F Gutierrez, of Patagonia Press for Diario La Tercera.
It shows the Chaiten volcano erupting.
In the Arts and Entertainment Stories category the Dutch photographer Roger Cremers came first with this photograph.
Preserving Memory shows visitors at the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.
This picture of a diver at the Beijing Olympics was taken by US photographer Vincent Laforet, for Newsweek.
He won the Sports Action Stories category.
Tu la antara gambar yg memenangi awards for best photos of the year 2008 anjuran World Press. Betul la nampaknya bila org bercakap yg gambar boleh memawa maksud tertentu kan.. Sebab gambar yg baik mampu menceritakan semuanya. Tu pandangan peribadi aku.
Semua orang boleh bergambar.. dan semua orang boleh mengambil gambar! tapi, kalu gambar hanya sekadar gambar..tak der la motif nya pulak kan. Biarlah berseni kan.. :P (learn from experienced!! ahaha..!)
Bila la aku nak ada camera nih! Bergambar suka pulak, tapi camera tak der.. SEDIH!! hasrat nak lak memiliki DSLR Nikon D90,, dah idam lama nih... bajet plak asik larik sampai tak sempat nak kejar... dapat digital camera yg besa pon jadi la..huaarrggh.. Ada sesaper yg nak kasi sponsor ker..??? keskeskeskes
wow, saya suka baca ni. antara gambar yg saya tersentuh ialah kenyan boy, earthquake survivor, dan yg homeless tu.
huaa tulah bile laa nk dpt cam dslr ni kumpol2 dwet ahhaha
gempak gak gambau tu dam...kalau ada org nak sponser kau camera..kau minta 2 utk aku sekali yek...huhu
huish......teringin nk jd jurugambsr..hehe
apa susah... kan my camera is yr camera...
tp everytime adam n guna, masa 2 gak la akak ada event... sowwy sgt2...
so kena la carik alternative lain yakni camera a*****H hhhhehehehheheheh
Comment to Edzlin :
betul tu lin! adam pon tgk tu antara gambar yg terkesan la..
ada motif sedey di sebalik gambar.. kan..??
terer kan diorg ni snap..kagum tul!!
Comment to Rizz :
sedey la rizz.. kumpul bagai pon duit, laslt abis kat lain..:P
apa kata rizz kumpul lebey skit, bley kasi top up kat adam ni ha..
**wink wink..!!
Comment to Boboiz :
memang sgt gempaq bro!!
nampak je cam simple and senang je snap kan, tp punya maksud mendalam tu..
bro, masalahnye adda ke yg nak sponsor aku..?? ehehe..
berangan sudah!!!
Comment to Sekeping Hati :
cik kak sekeping hati (wah! panjang nye nak taip nama!! :P)
apa lagi, kalu dah berminat tu, cuba la jd photographer..
nnt bley snap gambar saya byk² skit.. tp F.O.C la yerkk.. ahaks!!
Comment to Syamelia :
kenapa tetiba mata ku ni macam letak eye mo jer eyh..??
terharoo... apa pon thanks! mmg slalu sgt pon guna camera akak tu, termasuk gak camera a*****H and si fara..
p/s: siang korang jadik mangsa si berangan nih :P
nnt la eyh.. adam pon planning nak beli yg x tau bila tahun..hehe
hehehehe..... ko nak beli camera bro... ko dah bersedia ke... just nak snap gambar orang ajhe...
coz ko kan selalu jadi model.... hehehehe...
wah, suke tegok gambo2 menarik 2. gambo bawah plg stylo
its ok adam, akak xkesah pun...
mmg dlm my simpanan, kalau ada event, pic berangan adam mmg yg paling byk, mengalahkan pic akak sendiri LOL
especially ms event terbang tinggi... hehheheh....
pic dafi pun xsebanyak itew taw :D
rasanya masih ada lg kot akak belum transfer dkt adam...
Gambar paling bawah paling bagus,,dapat darimana ya??, he,,he
Comment to kematz :
aku nak beli camera la bro!
susah gi memana tak leh nak amik gambar, asik nak menyipu kat camera org je kan..
huuhu..bersedia? aku tak kira, even camera aku pon, tetap aku gak yg nak posing...hehe.. ko la jd jurucamera nyer..eheh
eceh!! tyra banks yg supermodel tu pon merangkap jurucamera gak bila fotoshoot..keskeskeskes..!!
apakah statement aku tuh!!!! ahaha
Comment to Joegrimjoe :
wassup bro!!
thank sbb singgah kat sini.. 1st time eyh? ehehe
stylo ke gambo tuh..? extreme sgt kot...kan...
Comment to Syamelia :
nak tunjuknya betapa camera mu itu camera ku jua...hikhikhik..
dafi? siapa dafi..?
haus lah gambar adam yg lebih, tgk la sape ryg pegang camera tu..
tu l, len kali jgn kasi tangan ni pegang.. alamat berangan la kejenye nnt..keskeskes..
Comment to Laston :
salam singgah bro..
bagus ya gambar tu..? gempaq kan? ahaha..
that's one the best pic of the year for 2008..
of 'coz its nice..
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