Everybody knows how to S.O.R.R.Y.. Yup!! It's very very true. SORRY, the simplest word that easily come out when we realize our mistakes or wrong. Just say it.. "I'm sorry!!"
do we know exactly what's the meaning behind it?? I'm sure most of us don't.
Personally for me, we should say sorry if we realized the mistakes we made and try not to make the same mistake ever and ever again. Not just say sorry, then do the same mistake like we did before and keep repeating saying sorry ever and ever again..
and why is that..? Because SORRY means huge if we know how to say it.
P/s: aku slalu gak ckp sorry especially bila update blog ni lambat... tapi.. tetap update lambat gak walopon dah ckp sorry.. sorry ye guys...
sorry sorry.
accepted.. hehe
'sorry' kalau da slalu disebut, da takde makna.
itu yg aku maksudkan...
Untuk tatapan sahabat semua
Salam lama betul tak ziarah cozz ade buzzy sikit lah maaf ye lambat sampai blog kamu ye…
sorry juga datang nya dari aku kat blog ko ni
sorry...tapi saya tetap nak masuk blog ini juga :)
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